摩羯座 You got: Japan 你适合居住在:日本 You’re driven, patient, and always eager to learn and improve yourself and the world around you. Japan would be the perfect fit for you. 你发愤图强、很有耐心,又十分好学、乐于提高自己、改善身边的环境。日本是你的最佳选择。
天秤座 You got: France 你适合居住在:法国 Charming and elegant, with a taste for the finer things in life, you’re also very passionate about justice and equality. France was literally made for you. 你充满魅力,举止优雅,对生活中一切有档次的事物都有独特的品味,同时对公正和平等格外热情。法国这个国度简直是为你而存在的。